
Teaching you to embrace today while making yourself a millionaire!

I wish I would have understood how easy it is to become a millionaire by starting to save small amounts of money when I was younger...

I feel compelled to share the simple concepts you can apply today....


17 November 2008

The Winners Are....................

First Place: Zac_Attack for his creative idea on saving money while creating a lasting memory. Taking the time to hand make holiday cards for his girlfriend. He said the cost is from 0 -$5 if you are elaborate. But taking the time and personalizing the card makes it very meaningful. $15 Chipotle gift card

Second Place: Noelle for her memory gift box. She sat and reflected on the many good times she had with her grandparents throughout her life. She hand wrote all the memories on separate strips of paper, then decorated a gift box and put them all inside, wrote a note telling them how much they meant to her. She said her grandparents loved the gift and throughout the year they can pull a memory out and realize how little gestures can make a big difference in a person's life. $10 Chipotle card

I want to thank everyone who submitted thoughts via the blog and email. All the ideas were creative and had a personal touch to them. It goes back to what we have been talking about the past 6 months. Time, not money, is what people remember when they reflect on their lives.

It is the memories of driving around in a car all day getting free ice cream, the box of memories, the card you can look back at down the years and remember the love it was made with, the pressed flower picked while on a picnic, making a special coupon to be redeem at a later date and the low cost idea of buying a chocolate bar and attaching a lottery ticket - (if you win big you will never forget that day).

Zac and Noelle if you can email your information I will put the cards in the mail.

We will have more contests next year - so keep thinking about ways to be efficient with your money. Next blog will be on Credit.

Stay tuned..............

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