
Teaching you to embrace today while making yourself a millionaire!

I wish I would have understood how easy it is to become a millionaire by starting to save small amounts of money when I was younger...

I feel compelled to share the simple concepts you can apply today....


06 July 2010

Fun vs. Financial Freedom

If you're a college student or just starting out - chances are good you've recently been burdened with student loans which are overwhelming if you are still job-hunting or have entered the workforce with an entry-level position. The size of those numbers are astronomical when you've gone from zero debt at Mom and Dad's to five figures or more in the span of a few years.

How are you going to make your finances work for you and still have a life? Is it asking too much to have your cake and eat it too?

Generation Millionaire is about teaching you strategies that give you informed options. We don't want you to sit at home every night staring at walls. We want you to go out and enjoy your life while still making smart financial decisions.

Here's a little quiz for you...pretend you got it out of Cosmo (you just saved $5). We'll give you a scenario and you tell us a way to make it more economically viable for your wallet.

  • Going out for cocktails with the girls.

  • Double date night with your best friend and his / her significant other.

  • Formal dinner party with the boss and his wife.

  • Planning a bridal shower for your sister.

  • Going to a ballgame with the guys.

What kind of ways can you enjoy yourself without breaking the bank? We want to hear from you! Post your answers on and look for our perspective on this in Thursday's blog.

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