
Teaching you to embrace today while making yourself a millionaire!

I wish I would have understood how easy it is to become a millionaire by starting to save small amounts of money when I was younger...

I feel compelled to share the simple concepts you can apply today....


29 July 2010

When I Finally Get My Time Machine...

One of the questions I am regularly asked during my presentations is: "Are YOU a millionaire?"

The answer is, most unfortunately, no.

But I would be. I could have been. IF I had made the decisions I advice high school and college-aged students to make - I would be a millionaire by now. If I could go back in time and change some of my financial decisions, some of the things I'd do differently include:

  • Practicing the "pay myself first" concept by setting aside money every paycheck.

  • Made conscience decisions relative to fast food purchases and unplanned expenses.

  • Falling prey to advertising schemes.

There are other things too, but these are three things that are so easy to apply. These are three habits I could have developed that would have really empowered my life today. The good news - I have learned these skills and now practice what I preach!

With the upcoming school year - I am concerned about the next generation. It's at this time in their lives that credit card companies began to lure them with plastic money that appears to be "free" but will cost so much. I started Generation Millionaire to help educate and empower the up and coming generation to make smart choices on their own. I am passionate about helping them avoid the same costly mistakes that I and so many others have made.

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