
Teaching you to embrace today while making yourself a millionaire!

I wish I would have understood how easy it is to become a millionaire by starting to save small amounts of money when I was younger...

I feel compelled to share the simple concepts you can apply today....


26 May 2009

Tuesday's Tips

This weeks tips were inspired by a person I saw at the grocery store last week...

1) Don't use those Coin Counting Machines. These machines are absolutely ridiculous. All they do is calculate the money that you pour into them, and then take some of it. That's right, every time you use one of those machines you lose money. They charge 9% on the dollar, which means you lose $9 for every $100 you pour. For serious coin collectors who save for months, or even years, this can amount to losing $100 when you bring in your 5 gallon tub of change. So instead of pouring your money into a machine USE YOUR BRAIN (literally) and count your money by hand, roll it, and take it to a bank. You won't lose 9% of your money that way, as long as you're not taking your money to Jim's Really Secure Bank...

2) Quit being so lazy! I mean that as a joke, but come on people, how hard is it to count money by hand and take it to a bank? Here's an example - A person saves $100 in change every month, and every month that person goes to a Coin Counting Machine and cashes in. So every month the happy person walks away with $91 (not shabby). So at the end of the year that person would have cashed in $1,092. That's a good amount of money, but those $9 charges every month added up to $108 over the year! That's a lot of money to lose just because of apathy. So please, for your own sake, stop using those machines.

I'm on a 168 hour break, so until then Stay Tuned...

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