
Teaching you to embrace today while making yourself a millionaire!

I wish I would have understood how easy it is to become a millionaire by starting to save small amounts of money when I was younger...

I feel compelled to share the simple concepts you can apply today....


16 March 2009

New Ideas Coming -- Generation Millionaire in the Making

I will be at a convention until Sunday March 22nd --- so please stay tuned as when I get back I am going to change up the look of the posts - we will have more hands on ideas - cheap but healthy home cook meals, ways to coupon and blog, free activities and many more lifestyle ideas!

We will always come back to the main theme of saving NOW - since time is on your side - but will help you in everyday ways to make sure you have balance and enjoy your life everyday!

I had a jolt today that reminded me of how precious life is. I went for a routine exam that turned into a three hour round of xrays, ultrasounds, xrays, doctors and technicians coming in to give their opinion - the end result was everything was fine. However, as I waited - I thought my whole life could be different in 1 second depending on what they say. Am I happy with my choices, my relationships, my career, what will I tell my kids and husband, etc. The good news is I honestly would not change one thing - I am going to keep embracing life everyday while planning for a long healthy life!

Stay tuned......

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