Television has become a major expense in most homes - if you are trying to cut expenses and still not give up some of the benefits of cable -- did you know that they have a level of service that they do not advertise???
The cable companies will tell you that the standard package is the lowest package and normally runs about $40.00 a month. Well, I am here to tell you their secret.....
They have a package that is about $11.00 a month. It is called (in my area) Basic cable. I get 24 channels and great reception. When you call to ask about this - the person may tell you it doesn't exist - press and ask for a supervisor because i am here to tell you - I have it and it does.
I go to the library to get the shows I do not have access to for free. I have also found that I watch less TV and have been reading, exercising and spending more time with my parents - to me a big WIN.
Hopefully, you have been tracking your expenses and see where the leaks are and started to change your spending habits. In the next few days I will post about the next steps for being financially successful.
Stay tuned.........
31 January 2009
28 January 2009
Credit Alert
You are doing everything right. Living within your means, paying off your credit card in full every month, not opening and closing credit cards for a free T-shirt or to save an extra 10%. Then you receive a letter from your credit card company saying they are lowering your credit limit because of where you shop.
It is called data points, the credit card companies compare where you shop to where people who are a credit risk shop - and then regardless of your history - they lump you into a category and change the rules on you. The biggest part of the scam is they won't tell you what stores affected you.
Consumer awareness is also a part of managing your finances. This is a practice that is unfair and if you are subject to this practice - contact your congressmen and continue to make this issue known. It is not right that you do everything correct and then are penalized for where you choose to shop!
Stay tuned.......
It is called data points, the credit card companies compare where you shop to where people who are a credit risk shop - and then regardless of your history - they lump you into a category and change the rules on you. The biggest part of the scam is they won't tell you what stores affected you.
Consumer awareness is also a part of managing your finances. This is a practice that is unfair and if you are subject to this practice - contact your congressmen and continue to make this issue known. It is not right that you do everything correct and then are penalized for where you choose to shop!
Stay tuned.......
24 January 2009
Your Generation is Amazing
You are so fortunate - you are young, have the knowledge of how to save effectively, watched the entire world do it wrong and see the result of poor planning and greed. My question is have you taken any steps to change your habits and take and keep control of your life?
Your generation is remarkable - making rapid changes in the way we live our lives - not waiting for corporate America to fix our problems but one or two people at a time changing the way we use the Internet, view and experience the world! You rallied together to be the most involved generation in a presidential election to make sure your voice was heard.
The baby boomers thought they had to have it all - as a product of that environment - let me tell you it is not all it is cracked up to be! Work hard and harder to pay for all the stuff - stuff that doesn't matter - we created the term quality time with our kids to make us feel better about not putting them first. I am not opposed to hard work but we lost touch with balance.
I am calling you all together to be the generation that changes the way we handle money! Live your life within your means, save for your future and not be stressed out all the time. I sincerely believe you can be the generation that turns the world around because you have wisdom beyond your years!
Another good book on the topic is "You're broke because you want to be" by Larry Winget. Very easy read, funny but direct!
Stay tuned......
Your generation is remarkable - making rapid changes in the way we live our lives - not waiting for corporate America to fix our problems but one or two people at a time changing the way we use the Internet, view and experience the world! You rallied together to be the most involved generation in a presidential election to make sure your voice was heard.
The baby boomers thought they had to have it all - as a product of that environment - let me tell you it is not all it is cracked up to be! Work hard and harder to pay for all the stuff - stuff that doesn't matter - we created the term quality time with our kids to make us feel better about not putting them first. I am not opposed to hard work but we lost touch with balance.
I am calling you all together to be the generation that changes the way we handle money! Live your life within your means, save for your future and not be stressed out all the time. I sincerely believe you can be the generation that turns the world around because you have wisdom beyond your years!
Another good book on the topic is "You're broke because you want to be" by Larry Winget. Very easy read, funny but direct!
Stay tuned......
20 January 2009
How to be a Millionaire - Simple Steps
GenM - Time is on your side -
So what is one of the pieces of the puzzle? "Time + Regular Investing" into a diversified portfolio = Long term success. The sooner you start investing in a 401k or IRA the more $$ you have for retirement.
If you invest $60 a week or $8.56 a day starting at age 18 for 50 years with an 8% return = $1.9 Million.
If you invest $60 a week starting at age 25 for 42 years with an 8% return = $1 Million
By waiting 7 years to invest a mere $60 a week - you give up almost one million dollars.
Where am I going to get $60 a week ??..... it is so easy with simple changes you won"t notice in the long run........
Pack your lunch instead of eating out -
Go to the library for movies, cds, books and games -
Plan your route to avoid extra driving -
Go to a matinee
Drink water vs ordering soda, coffee, tea etc.
Clip coupons
Most cities offer free events - check local newspaper
Little changes that will not affect your quality of life TODAY will pay off big TOMORROW.
This information can change your entire generation - WILL YOU BE A MILLIONAIRE?
Stay tuned.......
So what is one of the pieces of the puzzle? "Time + Regular Investing" into a diversified portfolio = Long term success. The sooner you start investing in a 401k or IRA the more $$ you have for retirement.
If you invest $60 a week or $8.56 a day starting at age 18 for 50 years with an 8% return = $1.9 Million.
If you invest $60 a week starting at age 25 for 42 years with an 8% return = $1 Million
By waiting 7 years to invest a mere $60 a week - you give up almost one million dollars.
Where am I going to get $60 a week ??..... it is so easy with simple changes you won"t notice in the long run........
Pack your lunch instead of eating out -
Go to the library for movies, cds, books and games -
Plan your route to avoid extra driving -
Go to a matinee
Drink water vs ordering soda, coffee, tea etc.
Clip coupons
Most cities offer free events - check local newspaper
Little changes that will not affect your quality of life TODAY will pay off big TOMORROW.
This information can change your entire generation - WILL YOU BE A MILLIONAIRE?
Stay tuned.......
18 January 2009
A Balanced Life -
Most Americans are cutting back on their spending trying to get control of their expenses. With the possibility of losing jobs and higher costs - it is a precarious time in our nation. However, with the new administration there seems to be hope - people seem happier.
If we all do our part and act responsibly, reevaluate our priorities and values some good may come from all of this chaos.
I officially resigned from my position last week and plan to spend my time educating the current generation on the power of money with time, making responsible decisions and ways to make sure you are set in retirement. It is very easy if you start young! The younger the better.
So now that my household income has been cut dramatically - I am really aware of ways to reduce costs. Clipping coupons, searching the web for blogs and web pages on saving money, canceling blockbuster on line, cutting my cell phone minutes, refinance my house to a lower interest rate, cooking at home to name a few.
But the biggest surprise has been the simple pleasures - backgammon tournaments with my husband, working together on Generation Millionaire, visiting my kids and not feeling rushed, cleaning the clutter out of our house and donating to others, reading with my cats on my lap, hiking, and mediating.
I have taken this step with courage, certainty and confidence. I look forward to the many presentations I will give, to your comments on the blog and your emails. My next post will review the basic steps needed to be financially successful in your life.
GenM - Wisdom beyond your years - will change the shape of our country.
Stay tuned.......
If we all do our part and act responsibly, reevaluate our priorities and values some good may come from all of this chaos.
I officially resigned from my position last week and plan to spend my time educating the current generation on the power of money with time, making responsible decisions and ways to make sure you are set in retirement. It is very easy if you start young! The younger the better.
So now that my household income has been cut dramatically - I am really aware of ways to reduce costs. Clipping coupons, searching the web for blogs and web pages on saving money, canceling blockbuster on line, cutting my cell phone minutes, refinance my house to a lower interest rate, cooking at home to name a few.
But the biggest surprise has been the simple pleasures - backgammon tournaments with my husband, working together on Generation Millionaire, visiting my kids and not feeling rushed, cleaning the clutter out of our house and donating to others, reading with my cats on my lap, hiking, and mediating.
I have taken this step with courage, certainty and confidence. I look forward to the many presentations I will give, to your comments on the blog and your emails. My next post will review the basic steps needed to be financially successful in your life.
GenM - Wisdom beyond your years - will change the shape of our country.
Stay tuned.......
15 January 2009
Upcoming Event at University of Cincinnati!
I am very excited about the upcoming presentation at the University of Cincinnati on January 28 at 7pm!! I have been invited by the Programs and Activity Council to discuss the ways students can be financially successful.
We will also discuss lifestyle and choices! The goal is in having a balanced life while making responsible financial choices. It is very exciting for me to be presenting at UC as I received my undergraduate degree from there many years ago!
It is so exciting and refreshing to see young adults interested in learning and deciding to make good choices. I will have pictures and commentary on the event!
Stay tuned.......
We will also discuss lifestyle and choices! The goal is in having a balanced life while making responsible financial choices. It is very exciting for me to be presenting at UC as I received my undergraduate degree from there many years ago!
It is so exciting and refreshing to see young adults interested in learning and deciding to make good choices. I will have pictures and commentary on the event!
Stay tuned.......
12 January 2009
Alert - Please Do Not Do This!
It is tax time and the commercials are starting from firms that will give you an advance on your return. DO NOT DO THIS! The cost to you is anywhere from 40 -50% to get your money early. So if you want an advance of about $1000 they will take an additional 400-500 dollars of your return when you receive it.
My suggestion is get your taxes done asap and file them. If you are comfortable with a direct deposit in your account that will speed up the return time from the IRS. If you have a simple tax return - Turbo Tax from Intuit is a simple program that will walk you through the process step by step. They have a free version if your situation is uncomplicated.
Do not give your money away. You work to hard for it.
Stay tuned..........
My suggestion is get your taxes done asap and file them. If you are comfortable with a direct deposit in your account that will speed up the return time from the IRS. If you have a simple tax return - Turbo Tax from Intuit is a simple program that will walk you through the process step by step. They have a free version if your situation is uncomplicated.
Do not give your money away. You work to hard for it.
Stay tuned..........
08 January 2009
Free Book Offer on Oprah

For the next week you can go to and download Suze Ormans new book 2009 Action Plan - Keeping your money safe and sound. I have not personally read the book but I just did the download and saved it to my documents. I plan on reading it over the next month and will give my thoughts at that point. Can't get much easier than this - you don't even have to go to the library to get it!
Stay tuned.......
07 January 2009
How are you doing?
We are 7 days into the New Year - 1 week past. 51 to go. How did you do in the first 7 days of the year? Have you been writing down every purchase - are you on a cash system - are you making little changes everyday that will turn into a big payoff down the road?
If you have had a rough start - start today it is never to late. I personally did - So I am starting over today - I encourage all of you to not get discouraged or beat yourself up. Look forward - only positive thoughts and actions.
For those of you who are on track - Congrats! Keep up the good work. The payoff is well worth the little changes now. Keep thinking - are you using coupons, look for free offers in the Sunday paper. It starts to be exciting and a challenge to find ways to still get what you want for less or free.
I received an email from someone who inspired me - He and his girlfriend decided for Xmas instead of a gift - they would have to plan a date. It had to be a good part of the day and could not cost more than $25.00. He was first to plan - He had a coupon for a buy one get one free entree from a restaurant, they went for lunch (less expensive than dinner) and still could afford a glass of wine each, he then found an art exhibit that is normally $8.00 a person for free on Sundays, so they went to the Andy Warhol Exhibit, after that they walked around the college campus they meet on and went for a bubble tea to end the date. Total Cost $25.20. Spent 6 hours with his girlfriend and had one of the best days together.
I encourage you to write down everything for 30 days - so where the leaks in your wallet are - i guarantee you the little amounts you spend everyday - do not change the quality of your life but by saving those it will change your future.
Stay tuned.......
If you have had a rough start - start today it is never to late. I personally did - So I am starting over today - I encourage all of you to not get discouraged or beat yourself up. Look forward - only positive thoughts and actions.
For those of you who are on track - Congrats! Keep up the good work. The payoff is well worth the little changes now. Keep thinking - are you using coupons, look for free offers in the Sunday paper. It starts to be exciting and a challenge to find ways to still get what you want for less or free.
I received an email from someone who inspired me - He and his girlfriend decided for Xmas instead of a gift - they would have to plan a date. It had to be a good part of the day and could not cost more than $25.00. He was first to plan - He had a coupon for a buy one get one free entree from a restaurant, they went for lunch (less expensive than dinner) and still could afford a glass of wine each, he then found an art exhibit that is normally $8.00 a person for free on Sundays, so they went to the Andy Warhol Exhibit, after that they walked around the college campus they meet on and went for a bubble tea to end the date. Total Cost $25.20. Spent 6 hours with his girlfriend and had one of the best days together.
I encourage you to write down everything for 30 days - so where the leaks in your wallet are - i guarantee you the little amounts you spend everyday - do not change the quality of your life but by saving those it will change your future.
Stay tuned.......
03 January 2009
New Year Tips - Financial Freedom!
Sorry for the delay on the tips for starting the new year on a good financial foot. I had some computer issues and decided I needed to sign up for and give my views on that. Again, as always I always refer you back to a financial advisor. This blog is designed to answer general questions and give you ideas on ways to increase your savings and quality of life.
So first things first - I signed up to and am impressed with the results. It was so easy - literally took 15 minutes to enter all my information, and get a clear read on where I am financially, as well as ways to save money and when my credit card payments are due. My only concern is that I had to enter my passwords for all my accounts. After reviewing the security of the site and reading everything I could get my hands on - I decided it was worth a try.
Now remember I subscribe to the rule of simple and no debt - (okay a little debt I am still working on paying my house off) - so I didn't have alot to enter.
Using Mint reminded me to pull my credit report to ensure it was accurate and clean up any issues - should there be any. You can do everything correct and still have inaccuracies on your credit report. A good example is we recently refinanced our home mortgage and when the report was pulled it still showed a line of credit we had closed 7 years ago as active!
I also included a New Years Tips for Financial Freedom. They are basic steps needed to gain an understanding of your current financial picture and actionable steps to implement immediately.
New Year Financial Tips
In order for this year to be different than years past – you need to have a shift in your thinking regarding how you view your money. Is it a means to short term instant gratification or a means to a fulfilling and secure life? If you choose fulfilling and secure than your mindset needs to change immediately. There are some very simple steps you can take to retrain your mind and your habits to gain the FREEDOM you want everyday!
1. What are my goals? Am I getting closer or farther from them?
What do you really want? Travel, home, car, savings, retirement and to be debt free or specialty coffee, convenience of a drive thru, designer clothes or sunglasses, vending machine purchases, video games, and DVD’s.
The little purchases everyday is the problem. They keep us from our dreams and freedom. We don’t even think about them as we pull out our wallet and get further from our goals.
You don’t have to give it all up – you just need to decide. Go to the grocery and buy a case of pop/soda and take it to work, go to a consignment store for clothes, and buy a crock pot – so when you get home you have a healthy hot meal waiting.
Sometimes you do have to pick – pay off my debt or save more vs. the little extras so you can get a head. It is your choice. The difference between the people who have money and those who don’t is CHOICE.
2. Where is my money and what have I been doing with it?
The first step it to find out where you are financially – the only way to stop the bleeding is to locate the cut. List all your debts or liabilities. Get out your credit card statements, student loans, car loans, mortgage, and equity lines. How much do you owe?
Next list all your assets. Savings, checking, investment accounts. CD’s, college savings plans and money under the mattress. How much do you have?
Subtract the Liabilities form the Assets. It does not matter what the number is – what is important is you face it and decide to make a change in your spending habits. We can all do better with awareness.
3. What am I doing everyday with my money?
Track every penny you spend over the next month. Write down everything everyday. When you buy something out of a vending machine, pick up a newspaper, put change in a parking meter, make a mortgage payment, fill up your gas tank or buy a cup of coffee – I mean every cent needs to be logged.
If possible go to a cash system. It is proven that we spend less on purchases when we pull out an actual dollar bill vs. a credit or debit card. It is hard to part with the green.
You will be shocked at the amount of money that goes to things that you really don’t value and keep you from your long term goals.
4. Awareness and next steps.
Now that you are aware of your habits and hopefully have changed your spending habits by the end of week two – you can take control of your finances and life.
If you have credit card debt – pay that off first. Take the smallest balance card and focus on paying it off, pay the minimum on the other cards to keep your credit score good. Once the lowest balance card is paid off take the amount you have been paying on that card and add it to the next card and pay it off. Continue this pattern until they are all paid off. This is called a debt snowball from Dave Ramsey.
Once you are debt free – work to set up at least 3 months of money in savings for an emergency fund.
Go to: for more information.
I will continue this series with the next steps in February. As soon as I correct my computer issues the financial tips will be available in a printable format.
Stay tuned........
So first things first - I signed up to and am impressed with the results. It was so easy - literally took 15 minutes to enter all my information, and get a clear read on where I am financially, as well as ways to save money and when my credit card payments are due. My only concern is that I had to enter my passwords for all my accounts. After reviewing the security of the site and reading everything I could get my hands on - I decided it was worth a try.
Now remember I subscribe to the rule of simple and no debt - (okay a little debt I am still working on paying my house off) - so I didn't have alot to enter.
Using Mint reminded me to pull my credit report to ensure it was accurate and clean up any issues - should there be any. You can do everything correct and still have inaccuracies on your credit report. A good example is we recently refinanced our home mortgage and when the report was pulled it still showed a line of credit we had closed 7 years ago as active!
I also included a New Years Tips for Financial Freedom. They are basic steps needed to gain an understanding of your current financial picture and actionable steps to implement immediately.
New Year Financial Tips
In order for this year to be different than years past – you need to have a shift in your thinking regarding how you view your money. Is it a means to short term instant gratification or a means to a fulfilling and secure life? If you choose fulfilling and secure than your mindset needs to change immediately. There are some very simple steps you can take to retrain your mind and your habits to gain the FREEDOM you want everyday!
1. What are my goals? Am I getting closer or farther from them?
What do you really want? Travel, home, car, savings, retirement and to be debt free or specialty coffee, convenience of a drive thru, designer clothes or sunglasses, vending machine purchases, video games, and DVD’s.
The little purchases everyday is the problem. They keep us from our dreams and freedom. We don’t even think about them as we pull out our wallet and get further from our goals.
You don’t have to give it all up – you just need to decide. Go to the grocery and buy a case of pop/soda and take it to work, go to a consignment store for clothes, and buy a crock pot – so when you get home you have a healthy hot meal waiting.
Sometimes you do have to pick – pay off my debt or save more vs. the little extras so you can get a head. It is your choice. The difference between the people who have money and those who don’t is CHOICE.
2. Where is my money and what have I been doing with it?
The first step it to find out where you are financially – the only way to stop the bleeding is to locate the cut. List all your debts or liabilities. Get out your credit card statements, student loans, car loans, mortgage, and equity lines. How much do you owe?
Next list all your assets. Savings, checking, investment accounts. CD’s, college savings plans and money under the mattress. How much do you have?
Subtract the Liabilities form the Assets. It does not matter what the number is – what is important is you face it and decide to make a change in your spending habits. We can all do better with awareness.
3. What am I doing everyday with my money?
Track every penny you spend over the next month. Write down everything everyday. When you buy something out of a vending machine, pick up a newspaper, put change in a parking meter, make a mortgage payment, fill up your gas tank or buy a cup of coffee – I mean every cent needs to be logged.
If possible go to a cash system. It is proven that we spend less on purchases when we pull out an actual dollar bill vs. a credit or debit card. It is hard to part with the green.
You will be shocked at the amount of money that goes to things that you really don’t value and keep you from your long term goals.
4. Awareness and next steps.
Now that you are aware of your habits and hopefully have changed your spending habits by the end of week two – you can take control of your finances and life.
If you have credit card debt – pay that off first. Take the smallest balance card and focus on paying it off, pay the minimum on the other cards to keep your credit score good. Once the lowest balance card is paid off take the amount you have been paying on that card and add it to the next card and pay it off. Continue this pattern until they are all paid off. This is called a debt snowball from Dave Ramsey.
Once you are debt free – work to set up at least 3 months of money in savings for an emergency fund.
Go to: for more information.
I will continue this series with the next steps in February. As soon as I correct my computer issues the financial tips will be available in a printable format.
Stay tuned........
01 January 2009
Happy New Year!
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